open mic for original and experimental music

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Saturday April 9th - HSST OPEN MIC NIGHT!

poster by Kelly Wilson

Saturday April 9th is the date for the next Hide and Seek Show and Tell Open Mic night for original music (only). The show is going on from 8pm-12midnight at Marigold Studios located at 762 Dundas St.

Admission/participation fee is $3.

HSST Art Party #1


HSST Art Party #1, a set on Flickr.

Our first art party was a great time for everyone who attended! There was lots of drawing, painting, and collage. We made a bunch of magnets, we learned about acrylic paints and mediums, we listened to loads of music and there was a lot of discussion about film and potential creative projects for the future. Throughout the day we kept a live photo journal of all the art we made.